Thursday, November 20, 2014

SQL Commands related to Database Mail

Basic SQL commands to know related to Database Mail, I am just keeping them for quick reference.

SELECT * FROM sysmail_log
-- Get all Sys mail accounts by running the below statement       
        SELECT * FROM sysmail_account
--If you want to find all the mails which by a particular Login...
        SELECT * FROM sysmail_sentitems
        WHERE send_request_user = 'LoginName'

        -- You can use above for today item List too..

-- If you want to see all failed items through Database mail                        
        SELECT * FROM sysmail_faileditems
        --WHERE send_request_user = 'LoginName'


-- List all the principle profiles in the server
SELECT * FROM sysmail_principalprofile
-- List all the profiles in the server
SELECT * FROM sysmail_profile

SELECT * FROM sysmail_profileaccount
-- You can see the existed SMPT server names, Port number by running the following
SELECT * FROM sysmail_server

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

IDENTITY Property in SQL server

-- This will be all about Identity Column...

* Identity Column will generate the number automatically for the row..Based on where you are starting the numbers and declaring the increment as below
Identity(Seed,Increment): IDENTITY(1,1)
So it starts the number with 1 and for the next number it will increment the orginal number by 1 So it should be 2
-- Can you insert manually the number?
Yes, by turning of the IDENTITY_INSERT ON

--Is there any precausions we need to follow to insert manually?
Yes, Make sure mention all columns/ Identity column(depends on requirement) in the insert statement

Correct_Version : INSERT INTO IDTable (IDNo, Name) SELECT 1,'pan'

Wrong_Version : INSERT INTO IDTable SELECT 1,'Pan'

-- Sample table ? and sample data in Identity Table?

INSERT INTO IDTable VALUES ('1st record')
-- How to reset Identity ?
Syntax : DBCC CHECKIDENT ('TableName',RESEED,NewstartingPosition)

-- How to find the current identity value of the table?
-- If you truncate the identity Column table, what would be the next identity value?
        TRUNCATE Table IDTable
Truncate will reset the Values to starting position of the Create statement.
So It populate the value what ever the seed value you declared during the table creation and follows as the increment for the next rows.

-- If you Delete the identity Column table, what would be the next identity value?

        DELETE FROM IDTable

It will delete the records. When you are inserting the values next time It will start from where it stopped last time.
It does not matter those records already been deleted.